Hot tub usage

Your hot tub is made for 2 and is heated by a wood burner. 

The water is filled fresh for you from our own spring which means there are no chemical's - everything is totally natural. You can relax and enjoy hot natural spring water. You may see a small bits in the water. This is caused by the natural peaty water. Rest assured that we have thoroughly cleaned the hot tub and filled it with fresh water before you arrival.


At temperatures 39 - 40, time in the hot tub should be limited to 20 minutes use as extending this time can affect your inner organs and cause fever like conditions. At temperatures under this, your time in the hot tub can be extended to one hour. Please do not use if temperature is 41 or over. Wait for it to cool or let us know and we can add some cold water.

No glass

Please do not take any glasses or bottles into the hot tub as this may result in broken glass in the hot tub.

Potential hazards

When leaving the hot tub, your leg muscles may be relaxed enough to make you unsteady.

The steps, decking and the hot tub itself may be slippery. Take care when entering and leaving the hot tub.

Use of the hot tub for too long may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting so don’t over do it.

How to use

Before entering, please remove the cover and place it away from the stove. You may need to stir the water as cold water can collect at the bottom. 

Check that the temperature is no higher than 40 degrees, if it is, do not use and let us know.

If the heat is too uncomfortable, leave the hot tub and cool down. When you have cooled down, you may return. Again, leave when you feel too uncomfortable. 

You should not use the hot if;

Have a serious illness, or have a heart condition, high or low blood pressure, or respiratory condition or any other medical condition which may affect you reaction to heat.

Are taking any medication for any of the above conditions or of which you are unsure as to the advisability of using saunas and hot tubs.

Are susceptible to migraines - hot tubs and saunas can trigger these.

Are a diabetic with damaged feet or peripheral neuropathy who experiences reduced sensation in your feet.

Have a contagious disease, infectious skin condition, open sores or wounds.

Have an illness causing an inability to perspire.

Have had a heavy meal within one and a half hours.

Are under the influence of drink or drugs.

Have recently exercised. Time should be allowed to enable body temperature to return to normal levels.

Have just used the hot tub. Make sure that time is taken between hot tub and sauna use and visa versa.

Do not use in extreme weather.

Children or animals are not allowed in the hot tub.

The elderly, and people with diabetes need to check with their doctors before using a sauna or hot tub.

Pregnant women are not advised to use the sauna or hot tub, or should seek medical advise before use.